The Journey to Christ

“THE JOURNEY TO CHRIST” Matthew 12:1-12   Much of what we associate with the Wise Men is based on persistent tradition instead of Biblical fact. For example, were there really …

God Is Faithful

“GOD IS FAITHFUL” 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 THE MONTH of January was named for the Roman ‘god’ Janus, the god of doors, gates, and bridges; and by extension, the god of …

Finding Joy Amid Adversity

“FINDING JOY AMID ADVERSITY” Philippians 4:4-7   Philippians is a remarkable letter. It is remarkable for its SETTING. When Paul wrote Philippians, he was not lounging beside a fireplace, or …

Do Not Fear

“DO NOT FEAR” Isaiah 41:10-13 I was startled from sleep that night by a ferocious Florida storm. Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed. Rain pelted. Wind howled. Branches clawed at my bedroom …