Case No. J81-11

CASE NO. J81-11 John 8:1-11 Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury: The case before us today was not based on hearsay or circumstantial evidence; rather on eyewitness testimony. The defendant …

The Gibeonite Deception

“THE GIBEONITE DECEPTION” Joshua 9:3-15   After forty years of wilderness wanderings, the Israelites, led by Joshua, finally entered the Promised Land to conquer and possess it. Cities fell, kings …

The Good News

“THE GOOD NEWS” Romans 1:1-7   When I was a boy, there were only three TV networks to watch: CBS, NBC, and ABC. Originally, programming was aired in black and …

From Babel-ing to Blending

“FROM BABEL-ING TO BLENDING” Acts 2:1-12 When President Jimmy Carter traveled to Poland in 1979, the U.S. State Department hired a Russian interpreter to translate Carter’s speeches. Unfortunately, while the …